CES: XPeng Aeroht: Flugauto für Endkunden Ende 2025 lieferbar

heise online Newsticker - 11. Januar 2024 - 7:11

Das sportliche E-Auto der chinesischen Firma XPeng Aeroht klappt auf Knopfdruck vier Rotorarme aus und soll dann bereit sein für kurze Flüge in geringer Höhe.

Amazon streicht Hunderte Stellen bei Prime Video und übernommenen MGM-Studios

heise online Newsticker - 11. Januar 2024 - 6:12

Neben den Stellenkürzungen bei Twitch setzt Amazon den Rotstift auch bei Prime Video und den MGM-Studios an. Einige hundert Mitarbeiter müssen gehen.

Jetzt geht’s los: SEC genehmigt Bitcoin-Fonds

heise online Newsticker - 11. Januar 2024 - 5:31

Die SEC beugt sich einer Gerichtsentscheidung: Drei US-Börsen dürfen ab Donnerstag Bitcoin-ETFs handeln. Der Ether-Kurs steigt.​

ImageX: Accessibility Elements, Part 5: Captions, Subtitles, Transcripts, and Audio Descriptions in Drupal

Planet Drupal - 11. Januar 2024 - 2:06

Multimedia content, such as engaging videos, insightful podcasts, and vibrant images, is meant to captivate, inform, and entertain website users. However, while creating an immersive world of multimedia experiences, it’s necessary to be mindful of the people with a wide range of impairments who need alternative ways to perceive the content. 

Studie: Bessere Arbeitsbedingungen fürs Training von KI-Modellen nötig

heise online Newsticker - 11. Januar 2024 - 1:40

Viele Click-Worker sind nötig, um Künstliche Intelligenz möglich zu machen. Laut britischen Forschern wird deren Arbeit mit mehr Geld und klaren Regeln genauer.

Zerodays bei Ivanti aktiv genutzt: Connect Secure und Policy Secure sinds nicht

heise online Newsticker - 11. Januar 2024 - 0:01

Zwei Zero-Days in Ivanti-Produkten machen es "trivial für Angreifer", Befehle auszuführen und sich im Firmennetz einzunisten. Ivanti hat bedingt gute Tipps.​

Nordkorea baut LTE-Netz aus Huawei-Teilen

heise online Newsticker - 10. Januar 2024 - 23:16

Betuchte Bewohner Pjöngjangs dürfen mit 4G ins Intranet. Der Netzausbau läuft mit gebrauchten Teilen aus China.​

PreviousNext: Real-time: Symfony Messenger Consume command and prioritised messages

Planet Drupal - 10. Januar 2024 - 21:39

The greatest advantage of Symfony Messenger is arguably the ability to send and process messages in a different thread almost immediately. This post covers the worker that powers this functionality.

by daniel.phin / 11 January 2024

This post is part 3 in a series about Symfony Messenger.

  1. Introducing Symfony Messenger integrations with Drupal
  2. Symfony Messenger’ message and message handlers, and comparison with @QueueWorker
  3. Real-time: Symfony Messenger’ Consume command and prioritised messages
  4. Automatic message scheduling and replacing hook_cron
  5. Adding real-time processing to QueueWorker plugins
  6. Making Symfony Mailer asynchronous: integration with Symfony Messenger
  7. Displaying notifications when Symfony Messenger messages are processed
  8. Future of Symfony Messenger in Drupal

The Symfony Messenger integration, including the worker, is provided by the SM project. The worker is tasked with listening for messages ready to be dispatched from an asynchronous transport, such as the Doctrine database transport. The worker then re-dispatches the message onto the bus.

Some messages may be added to a bus with no particular execution time, in which case they are serialised by the original thread. Then unserialised almost immediately by the consume command in a different thread.

Since Messenger has the concept of delaying messages until a particular date, the DelayStamp can be utilised. The consume command respects this stamp and will not redispatch a message until the time is right.

The worker is found in the sm console application, rather than Drush. When SM is installed, Composer makes the application available in your bin directory. Typically at /vendor/bin/sm

The command takes one or more transports as the argument. For example if you’re using the Doctrine transport, the command would be:

sm messenger:consume doctrine

Multiple instances of the worker may be run simultaneously to improve throughput.

The worker. Messages output to stdout for demonstration purposes.Prioritised messages

The worker allows you to prioritise the processing of messages by which transport a message was dispatched to. Transport prioritisation is achieved by adding a space separated list of transports as the command argument.

For example, given transports defined in a site-level services.yml file:

parameters: sm.transports: doctrine: dsn: 'doctrine://default?table_name=messenger_messages' highpriority: dsn: 'doctrine://default?table_name=messenger_messages_high' lowpriority: dsn: 'doctrine://default?table_name=messenger_messages_low'

In this case, the command would be sm messenger:consume highpriority doctrine lowpriority

Routing from messages to transports must also be configured appropriately. For example, you may decide Email messages are the highest priority. \Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage would be mapped to highpriority:

parameters: sm.routing: Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage: highpriority Drupal\my_module\LessImportantMessage: lowpriority '*': doctrine

More information on routing can be found in the previous post.

The transport a message is sent to may also be overridden on an individual message basis by utilising the Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\TransportNamesStamp stamp. Though for simplicity I’d recommend sticking to standard routing.

Running the CLI application

The sm worker listens and processes messages, and is designed to run forever. A variety of built in flags are included, with the ability to quit when a memory or time limit is reached, or when a certain number of messages are processed or fail. Flags can be combined to process available messages and quit, much like drush queue:run.

Further information on how to use the worker in production can be found in the Consuming Messages (Running the Worker) documentation.

The next post covers Cron and Scheduled messages, a viable replacement to hook_cron.

Tagged Symfony, Symfony Messenger, Symfony Console, CLI

TechStage | Top 10: Die besten Mini-Taschenlampen mit Akku & USB – hell & kompakt

heise online Newsticker - 10. Januar 2024 - 21:00

Taschenlampen im Kleinstformat sind aufladbar und trotzdem strahlend hell. TechStage zeigt die besten Mini-Taschenlampen und worauf es ankommt.

The Drop Times: Essential Drupal Modules that Help you Prevent Spam

Planet Drupal - 10. Januar 2024 - 19:59
Discover essential modules and external services in Drupal designed to combat spam effectively, including CAPTCHA-based defences, non-CAPTCHA solutions, and external spam prevention services. Safeguard your website from unwanted traffic and malicious content with these powerful tools and strategies.

CES: CPU-Überraschung: "Intel Processor 300" für LGA1700-Boards statt Pentium Gold

heise online Newsticker - 10. Januar 2024 - 19:58

Mit dem Schwung neuer Core-i-14000-Prozessoren für Desktop-PCs bringt Intel auch den "Prozessor 300" mit zwei P-Kernen auf den Markt.

Drupal Association blog: DrupalCon 2024 - How to Convince Your Boss (Sample Letter Enclosed)

Planet Drupal - 10. Januar 2024 - 19:57

DrupalCon 2024 is approaching soon, and you can’t wait to head to vibrant Portland. If this is you, you also must be stressed about persuading your boss to invest in your attendance at the Drupal event of the year. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! This article is your go-to resource, where you’ll find all the ammo you need to make your case. Let’s get started!

But First, Are You Convinced About Attending DrupalCon?

Naturally, your organization has various factors to weigh, with the primary concern being whether sending you to DrupalCon Portland is worth their investment. But the pivotal question is the value you see in it. Explore our list of strong reasons to attend DrupalCon 2024.

  • For everyone - DrupalCon, the biggest open-source event in North America, offers a unique experience for all Drupal enthusiasts—whether you're diving into Drupal for the first time or have been a community member for years. The benefits of attending are vast.
  • Training - Learn specific skills relevant to your role through targeted training at DrupalCon. Develop a deep knowledge of Drupal directly relevant to your career, ensuring a direct and positive return on investment. (Can we mention some of the Training sessions lined-up for DCON 2024?)
  • Sessions - Dive into sessions led by the Drupal experts at DrupalCon. These are not just classes; they're conversations with the thought leaders who know their Drupal inside out. It's not just learning; it's getting hands-on wisdom from the best in the biz. (Can we mention some of the sessions lined-up for DCON 2024?)
  • Keynotes - Want a front-row seat to the State of Drupal and the future of the web? Then you cannot miss out on DriesNote. Plus, there are other keynotes that'll fire up your imagination about what's possible in the digital world.
  • Networking - Imagine being in a room with thousands of Drupal enthusiasts at DrupalCon. It's a community buzzing with passion. Got Drupal questions? Tap into a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm at one of the largest open-source communities. Hallway Tracks and Exhibition areas are the heart of networking at DrupalCon. Who knows, you might just score a selfie with Dries on your stroll!
  • Industry Summits - It's not just about networking—it's about conversing with peers who've been there, done that. Learn the nitty-gritty of industry best practices at industry summits like Higher Education Summit, Nonprofit Summit, Government Summit, and Community Summit. Discover how to tackle business challenges head-on with Drupal solutions, giving your job skills a serious boost.
  • Peer Connection - It’s a chance to connect with folks who share the same passion as you. Swap stories, share insights, and stay in the loop about the latest in Drupal. Learn firsthand from those who get your role and challenges.
  • Contribution Sprint - If you’re new to Drupal contributions, get hands-on guidance and sprint mentoring by experts. Whether you’re a coder or a non-coder, they are ways for everyone to participate in community contribution sprints to amplify the power of Drupal together.
Sample Letter to Your Boss

Here’s a sample letter to help you convince your boss about attending DrupalCon 2024. We guarantee they'll see the light!

Dear [Boss’s Name],

I am writing to express my strong interest in attending DrupalCon 2024 in Portland, Oregon, and to request your approval for participation in this significant event. I believe that attending DrupalCon will not only benefit my professional development but also contribute to the success of our team and the company as a whole.

Here are several compelling reasons why my attendance at DrupalCon is beneficial for us:

  • Industry Insights: Networking at Industry Summits will keep us updated on best practices and innovative solutions.

  • Strategic Vision: Keynotes, especially DriesNote, offer strategic insights vital for our long-term planning.

  • Community Engagement: Networking with thousands of community members ensures immediate answers and collaborations.

  • Role-Specific Learning: Connecting with peers in our specific roles provides insights into the latest in Drupal.

  • Contribution Sprint: Active participation contributes to Drupal's strength, enhancing our company's reputation.

I am seeking approval for the associated expenditures, which include:




Visa Fees (if required)

Ground Transportation



Conference Ticket


[Add this line if you’re traveling from overseas] The Drupal Association can issue an official letter of invitation to obtain a visa for my travel to the United States.

The Drupal Association can also issue a Certificate of Attendance for the conference if required for our records.

Please accept this proposal to attend, as I'm confident in the significant return we will receive for the small investment. For more information on the event, please visit the conference website: https://events.drupal.org/portland2024.

I'm available to discuss this further at your earliest convenience.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

CES: Mini-PCs: Asus zeigt die ersten eigenen NUCs 14 Pro und Pro+ mit Meteor Lake

heise online Newsticker - 10. Januar 2024 - 19:45

Intels Mini-PCs der Marke "NUC" waren beliebt, nun führt Asus die Sparte weiter und bringt Geräte mit Core-Ultra-Mobilprozessoren und einigen Verbesserungen.

Stromschlag oder Überhitzung möglich: Ikea ruft USB-Ladegerät zurück

heise online Newsticker - 10. Januar 2024 - 19:45

Wer ein dunkelgraues USB-Ladegerät (40 W) bei Ikea gekauft hat, sollte prüfen, ob es vom Rückruf betroffen ist. Es besteht die Gefahr eines Stromschlags.

CES: Wissing: Autonome Fahrzeuge lösen Mobilitätsprobleme der Zukunft

heise online Newsticker - 10. Januar 2024 - 19:30

Bei einem Besuch auf der CES hat der Bundesminister für Digitales und Verkehr sein Plädoyer für die Technologieoffenheit bei Antriebslösungen erneuert.

PreviousNext: Symfony Messenger’s message and message handlers and a comparison with @QueueWorker

Planet Drupal - 9. Januar 2024 - 21:29

This post covers Symfony Messenger’s message and message handlers, which are the day to day code developers using features of Symfony Messenger typically will be working on.

by daniel.phin / 10 January 2024

This post is part 2 in a series about Symfony Messenger.

  1. Introducing Symfony Messenger integrations with Drupal
  2. Symfony Messenger’ message and message handlers, and comparison with @QueueWorker
  3. Real-time: Symfony Messenger’ Consume command and prioritised messages
  4. Automatic message scheduling and replacing hook_cron
  5. Adding real-time processing to QueueWorker plugins
  6. Making Symfony Mailer asynchronous: integration with Symfony Messenger
  7. Displaying notifications when Symfony Messenger messages are processed
  8. Future of Symfony Messenger in Drupal

The Symfony Messenger integration with Drupal provided by the SM project is the only requirement for the following examples.

A message itself is very flexible, as it doesn't require annotations, attributes, or specific class namespace. It only needs to be a class serialisable by Symfony. For simplicity, don’t include any complex objects like Drupal entities. Opt to store entity UUIDs instead.

At its most simple implementation, a message handler is:

  • a class at the Messenger\ namespace
  • with a #[AsMessageHandler] class attribute
  • an __invoke method. Where its first argument is an argument typehinted with the message class.

Example message and message handler:

namespace Drupal\my_module; final class MyMessage { public function __construct(public string $foo) {} } namespace Drupal\my_module\Messenger; use Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Attribute\AsMessageHandler; #[AsMessageHandler] final class MyMessageHandler { public function __construct(StateInterface $state) {} public function __invoke(\Drupal\my_module\MyMessage $message): void { // Do something with $message. $this->state->set('storage', $message->foo); } }

And dispatch code:

$bus = \Drupal::service(\Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface::class); $bus->dispatch(new MyMessage(foo: 'bar'));

Non-autowirable dependency injection

Message handlers use autowiring by default, so you don’t need ContainerFactoryPluginInterface and friends.

In the rare case that dependencies are not autowirable, you can opt to define a message handler as a tagged service instead of a class with #[AsMessageHandler] attribute and define dependencies explicitly. The same __invoke and argument typehinting semantics apply.

services: my_module.my_message_handler: class: Drupal\my_module\Messenger\MyMessageHandler arguments: - '@my_module.myservice' tags: - { name: messenger.message_handler } Comparison with Legacy Drupal Queues

Typically, when setting up a Drupal queue, you’ll be putting together a rigid class with a verbose annotation. When compared to the functionality of the messenger and handler above, the equivalent @QueueWorker looks like:

namespace Drupal\my_module\Plugin\QueueWorker; use Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContainerFactoryPluginInterface; use Drupal\Core\Queue\QueueWorkerBase; use Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; /** * @QueueWorker( * id = "my_module_queue", * title = @Translation("My Module Queue"), * cron = {"time" = 60} * ) */ final class MyModuleQueue extends QueueWorkerBase implements ContainerFactoryPluginInterface { private function __construct( array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, private StateInterface $state, ) { parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition); } public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition): static { return new static( $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $container->get('state'), ); } public function processItem(mixed $data): void { // Do something with $data. $this->state->set('storage', $data['foo']); } }

And dispatch code

\Drupal::service('queue') ->get('my_module_queue') ->createItem(['foo' => 'bar']);

Notice the hard-to-remember annotation, boilerplate dependency injection, and mixed-type processItem argument $data . In comparison, Symfony Messenger messages and message handlers are easier to use thanks to PHP attributes.

Routing messages to transports

All messages will be handled synchronously by default. To route messages to specific transports, routing needs to be configured.

Behind the scenes, routing is a simple map of class/namespaces to transports defined in a container parameter.

parameters: sm.routing: Drupal\my_module\MyMessage: doctrine Drupal\my_module\MyMessage2: synchronous 'Drupal\my_module\*': doctrine '*': doctrine

Keys are either verbatim class names, partial class namespace followed by asterisk, or a standalone asterisk indicating the fallback. The values are the machine name of a transport. SM includes a synchronous transport out of the box, which indicates messages are handled in the same thread as it is dispatched. The doctrine database transport is available as a separate module. I’d recommend always using an asynchronous transport like Doctrine.

Routing configuration UI

SM includes a configuration UI submodule that allows site builders to build a routing map without needing to mess with YAML. The container parameter is set automatically as soon as the form is saved.

Advanced usage of messages and handlersAdding stamps to messages

A common use case for adding stamps to a message is to delay the message for an amount of time. A stamp is created and attached to the envelope containing the message to be processed:

$envelope = new Envelope( message: new MyMessage(foo: 'bar'), stamps: [\Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\DelayStamp::delayUntil(new \DateTimeImmutable('tomorrow'))], ); $bus = \Drupal::service(\Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface::class); $bus->dispatch($envelope);Multiple handlers per message

For more advanced use cases, multiple handlers can be configured for a message. Useful if you want to listen for messages that you do not own. For example, additional handling of the Symfony Mailer email message:

namespace Drupal\my_module\Messenger; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Attribute\AsMessageHandler; use Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface; #[AsMessageHandler] final class MyMessageHandler { public function __construct(StateInterface $state) {} public function __invoke(\Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage $message): void { $this->state->set( 'sent_emails_counter', $this->state->get('sent_emails_counter', 0) + 1, ); } }

Both this custom handler and the original \Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\MessageHandler::__invoke handler will be invoked.

Multiple messages per handler

Handlers can be configured to handle multiple message types. Instead of using the #[AsMessageHandler] attribute on the class, use it with methods.

namespace Drupal\my_module\Messenger; use Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Attribute\AsMessageHandler; final class MyMessageHandler { #[AsMessageHandler] public function myHandler1(\Drupal\my_module\MyMessage $message): void { // Do something with $message. } #[AsMessageHandler] public function myHandler2(\Drupal\my_module\MyMessage2 $message2): void { // Do something with $message2. } }

The next post covers the worker, the heart of messenger’s real-time capabilities.

Tagged Symfony, Symfony Messenger, QueueWorker

The Drop Times: The Profound Impact of Mentorship and Guidance

Planet Drupal - 9. Januar 2024 - 19:04

Dear Readers,

Have you ever felt the transformative power of a teacher's or mentor's encouragement? Anatole France, the French poet and journalist, once encapsulated this influence by saying, 

"Nine-tenths of education is encouragement."

It's astonishing how teachers can nurture love or sow seeds of positivity, potentially steering an entire future. When a child moves beyond their family circle, teachers often step into a pivotal role. Their impact isn't confined to imparting knowledge; it extends to shaping perspectives, igniting passions, and defining life paths.

Just as many attribute their accomplishments to teachers who unearthed their hidden talents guiding their paths, the Drupal community thrives on mentors who play a pivotal role. Like educators, these mentors guide newcomers, share their expertise, and foster an environment conducive to growth within the Drupal ecosystem. They serve as pillars, offering invaluable guidance and insights enriching the community with their depth of knowledge and experience.

In this context, Michael Anello shines as a beacon within the Drupal realm. His trajectory, from teaching engineering to co-founding DrupalEasy—a hub for Drupal-centric training, career development, and consultancy—mirrors the impact of a guiding force.  The DropTimes had the opportunity to interview Michael Anello. He reflects on his journey, the evolution of Drupal, navigating challenges in the learning process and steering DrupalEasy through adaptations to accommodate various skill levels. In essence, his role echoes the influence of those pivotal teachers who shape destinies within the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of the Drupal community.

In another enlightening interview, the multifaceted expertise of Lyubomir Filipov, a Group Architect and Deputy Program Manager at FFW, takes centre stage. His journey spans various roles—from organizer to academician to mentor—an embodiment of the diverse skills of an expert Drupal developer.

Lyubomir Filipov operates as a leader by example, orchestrating the convergence of talent with opportunity. He's instrumental in shaping career trajectories for over 800 professionals at FFW, ensuring that the right individuals find their niche within the company. 

Our adept sub-editor, Alka Elizabeth, skillfully conducted these insightful conversations, shedding light on the depth and breadth of Michael Anello's and Lyubomir Filipov's contributions within the Drupal sphere. Alka also delved into a Reddit discussion about the recent changes to not just Drupal alone but the economy, AI, and growth of other CMSs like WordPress, Wix, and Shopify. 

On a side note, I've compiled a thorough overview highlighting TDT's significant milestones of the past year.

Speaking of events, The DropTimes has been announced as the official Media Partner for Drupal Mountain Camp 2024, Switzerland. To learn more about the event, visit the official website. You can also follow our tag Drupal Mountain Camp to catch every update. 

February 06 is DrupalCon Portland's registration kickoff—don't miss out! Find all the essential details right here. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as the event draws nearer. 

The highly anticipated return of the PHP Conference Kansai 2024—a momentous occasion for PHP engineers in Japan is back after a notable six-year hiatus. Do check out the details here

As MidCamp 2024 draws near, it invites organizations to unite and bolster the vibrant Drupal community together. 

FLDC 2024's countdown has commenced! Seize the early bird registration before January 12 and save $25 on your attendance fees. Don't wait—the deadline is approaching fast!  

Fan tickets for DrupalCamp Poland are available until November 1, 2024—grab yours before time runs out.  A list of the Drupal events for the week is published here.

Acquia's latest release, the e-book "Achieving Success with Headless and Hybrid CMSs," provides in-depth insights into the benefits of employing CMS in various architectures—traditional, headless, or hybrid. For more information, dive into this informative resource.

Some notable news highlights include WeebPal's celebration of its 12th anniversary, dubbed the Silk or Fine Linen Jubilee, featuring an enticing offer for website owners. They're offering 12 participants an opportunity to upgrade from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 free of cost.  

Centarro is rejoicing in its most substantial release yet: Drupal Commerce 2.37. Learn more about it here.

A groundbreaking addition to Drupal's arsenal is the newly launched Error Reporting module, poised to transform code analysis and debugging for effortless operations. Dive deeper into its capabilities here.

While more stories beckon for exploration, constraints compel us to halt further selection. To get timely updates, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Keep enjoying your Drupal journey! 
Thank you,

With warm wishes,
Elma John
Sub-Editor, TheDropTimes

Tag1 Consulting: Unraveling the ETL Process - Transform

Planet Drupal - 9. Januar 2024 - 17:33

In the second episode of our three-part series on the ETL Migration process, we delve into the most involved stage of Drupal migration: Transformation. This episode features insights from Tag1 Consulting’s experts, including Mike Ryan, co-creator of Drupal Migrate, and notable contributor Benji Fisher. They analyze the Transformation phase in the ETL process, specifically examining Drupal’s unique “row-by-row” approach, and the discussion session revolves around the advantages and challenges of this method, with a strong emphasis on optimizing performance within the transformation pipeline. The episode is a treasure trove for those considering or currently working on Drupal migrations, as it steps into the technical realm while touching on the practical aspects of transforming data during a migration. Benji expresses his fascination with this particular stage, describing it as a playground for innovation and detailing the intricacies that make it the heart of the migration process. This discussion is essential for developers and IT professionals seeking to understand or undertake large-scale Drupal migrations. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - Coming soon! Please let us know if you have specific migration-related topics you'd like to see us cover. Or, reach out and let us know if we...

Read more janez Tue, 01/09/2024 - 07:33

ADCI Solutions: Layout Builder: A Drupal module that makes working with content easy

Planet Drupal - 9. Januar 2024 - 12:59

The advantages of Drupal CMS always include its friendliness to users who cannot write code. In most cases, these users are content managers. How can you give more power to the content manager of your Drupal website? Add the Layout Builder module that makes building web pages as easy as putting Lego bricks together.

LN Webworks: Why Consider Drupal as Your Restaurant CMS Choice in 2024?

Planet Drupal - 9. Januar 2024 - 8:21

The restaurant sector has faced challenges amidst economic downturns, prompting a search for recovery through enhanced business agility. In fact, a staggering 71% of food establishments acknowledge the central role of digital transformation in achieving this objective.

In response to the growing influx of restaurants into the online domain, the demand for an efficient Restaurant CMS has become increasingly evident. A well-suited Restaurant website CMS, such as Drupal, proves instrumental in optimizing business operations.

What Makes Drupal the Right Choice for Restaurants? 

Drupal has over 20 years of experience in managing restaurant content and has become the top choice for many big companies and restaurants. 

Did you know? 

Around 89.2% of users believe that Drupal will become even more popular among different types of businesses in the next three years, not just in the restaurant industry. 

This means the demand for a Sports CMS and an Education CMS will also increase.